Does your beard give you uncontrollable urges to itch your face? Do you find yourself sitting through meetings at work, thinking that you literally want to scratch your beard off- because of course that will give you the only possible relief for just how deep of an itch your skin is obviously suffering? There are many products touting skin care for men that certainly help with beard itch, and if you are suffering with an itchy face, some of these products may be the best possible solution for your skin.
Grizzly Adam products help care for your skin and your beard at the same time. Honestly, you can choose several different products or a vast array of products that may come in a special package that will focus on your entire face and beard. It just depends on what your budget is, and what works best for you. For beard itch and beard dandruff- a very good solution is Premium Beard Oil for men.
Premium Beard Oil
The cause of most itchy skin is dryness under beard hair. It doesn’t get the essential oils that skin would normally get because of all of the hair follicles. Dry skin can become flaky, itchy, and downright disgusting. No one wants to shed dandruff from their face every day. The dreaded beard dandruff (yuck!)- can not only feel uncomfortable but it also functions first in line as lady-repellent! Premium Beard Oil actually moisturizes beard hair as well as the skin under it, eliminating dry beard hair, dry skin, and dandruff. An application of Premium Beard Oil will tame your beard and make it ‘respectful!’ When used every day, it makes beard hair super soft and easy to control. Grizzly Adam offers only Premium Beard Oil which is made from all natural ingredients, which guarantees to tame your tangled beard and ease your under-beard itch.
Beard oils are becoming more and more popular. It works to provide essential oils to your skin and your beard hair, and it promotes a very healthy, virile look. It gives your beard a beautiful sheen and you simply rub it on and keep it on for about 30 minutes. It helps your beard look well kept and it also takes away the horrid itchiness of dry skin. The most natural products are almost always the most healing.
Beard Balm
Beard Balm is a natural thickener which you leave in your beard so that it controls straggly hairs and makes it easy to shape your beard. Not only does it decrease patchiness and allow for your beard to grow in extra thick, the essential oils in the product help to condition dry skin and stop flaking and itching. Grizzly Adam Beard Balm not only helps with all of the former, but it also has a 100% money back guarantee. Nothing is more unsightly to a guy if he looks in the mirror and sees a patchy beard! Beard Balm helps stimulate follicles which will make the hair grow back in thicker and faster.
Beard Wash
Beard wash is exactly what it sounds like, which is shampoo for your beard. However, the ingredients in beard wash are much more gentle and ‘made for your face’ than normal shampoo. It’s formulated with special ingredients to specifically make your beard hair softer and more controllable. It won’t irritate your skin or strip the natural oils in your beard, leaving your beard dry and your skin flaky. Grizzly Adam Beard Wash offers the same money back guarantee it has on all it’s products, but it also offers a fantastic manly lime scent which is great for invigorating and waking the senses in the mornings! Check out this great article on the importance of keeping your beard clean.
Keeping Care of Your Beard- Beard Combs
Several companies recommend and sell combs for the distinct practice of combing out your beard. Grizzly Adams offers a wooden straight, sturdy comb for the purpose of.. well… combing your beard. The comb itself is anti-static and it’s wonderful for combing out tangles. It’s very tough, it’s safe to use with beard oils and balms, and after washing your beard.
Beard Care Set
Grizzly Adam makes a beard care set where you can get all of your beard needs in one package for much less expensive. The complete care kit includes the following for your beard care:
1) Wahl Silver Groomsman Beard and Moustache Trimmer Set – a welcomed gift for any bearded man.
2) The Groomsman battery powered trimmer from Wahl gives you not only a professional quality trimmer, but all the essential accessories you require to maintain your trimmer and keep a well groomed look.
3) Premim Beard Oil for Men which, having been mentioned early in the aritlce, helps with grooming, moisturizes the beard hair and the skin therefore eliminating dandruff, and allows for the beard to be tamed with a natural product.
4)Beard Balm By Grizzly Adam is a wonderful leave-in beard conditioner and thickener. It also uses natural oils to help with brittleness and beard dandruff. It’s also a natural way to be wonderful to your facial skin.
In Conclusion:
The products above will work and they are good ideas for people who need to keep their skin moist and their beards shiny and dandruff free. They will work one the natural luster of your beard, as well as making it looked more presentable, groomed, and attractive. If you use products like these, beard dandruff will be history after just a couple of washes, and your itchy ‘under skin’ will absolutely feel better and stop itching once it’s flooded with natural essential oils and ingredients.
If you look and you find them too expensive, look at other places like boutique shaving stores or even some facial conditioner you can get at the pharmacy- and try to make sure the type you choose is of course affordable for your budget- but also know that it’s important to try and find a beard kit or beard products that are made from natural ingredients. This will soothe dry skin and itchy skin quickly, and help to soften your beard and make it more manageable right away.