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Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Ultimate Beard Care Checklist

Guest post by Shawn Burns, Our time has come my bearded brethren! There is no more denying it, all must acknowledge what a chosen few have known all along. Beards are simply the best. Long, short, thick, or thin; the possibilities are endless. The popularity of facial fuzz has exploded in recent years and with […]

You Want to Touch My Beard? – Interesting Story That Will Surprise You!

Imagine this: You are walking down the tinned food area at the supermarket, pushing your shopping trolley trying to keep in mind if the tubs of nutella would certainly be in this aisle or with the other jarred things like the jams or marmite. All of a sudden you listen to the controlled laughter of […]

The Mustache: The Good, The Bad, and the Impossibly Difficult

If you have ever even remotely considered growing a moustache, chances are good that you have been caught, even a short while, in the issue of what type to grow. Every self-respecting gentleman knows that you can’t just grow any old moustache. You need to grow something that matches your personality and your outlook on […]