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How to solve any beard-related skin condition

A good beard needs to be maintained especially if you want to have it looking healthy. However, if you do not take care of your beard, you might develop some beard-related skin conditions like dandruff, acne, and others.

Beard oils

There are ways you can prevent these skin conditions from occurring, and it is through the use of beard oils. Beard oils are an important asset when it comes to taking care of the beard. Oils have been known to improve hair and skin for many years. They are extracted from different plants, and when used, they help keep common beard annoyances away.

Common beard conditions and the oils needed to solve them

1. Beard itch

Having an itchy beard can be irritating. Beard itch is common among those who are in the early stages of growing a beard. It is one of the reasons most men avoid growing beards.

It can be caused by shaving against the grain and if you have dry skin.


Argan oil or Moroccan oil

Argan oil is a great moisturising oil with Vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids. It treats the skin and conditions the hair at the same time. Keeping the beard moist prevents the skin from flaking, and it does not feel greasy on the beard.

Camellia oil or tea seed oil

Tea seed oil was initially used for hair treatment since it acts as a moisturiser. The oil has a high concentration of fats and lipids that are used in making skin care products.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil has lots of minerals and nutrients that nourish the scalp, balances the Ph levels while locking in the moisture.

Gold jojoba oil

It is one of the best oils since it is not greasy and has strong conditioning qualities. It has a mild aroma, is non-allergenic and unblocks pores to prevent itching.

2. Beard dandruff

Beard dandruff is a frequent scalp and beard irritation caused by stress, weather changes, yeast and dry skin trapped in the bead.


Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil helps by locking in moisture in your skin to prevent drying and also smoothens hair. It is also non-greasy, light and odourless.

Apricot oil

Apricot is known for having high levels of vitamins A, and E. Vitamin A is useful in skin care while Vitamin E moisturizes skin and hair. It also seals hair cuticles and reduces damage caused by UV rays.

Eucalyptus oil

Other than its great scent, eucalyptus is used in dandruff treatment. Since it is an essential oil, it should be mixed with a carrier oil to prevent the skin from getting irritated.

3. Beard acne

Beard acne is a painful bacterial infection that affects hair follicles.


Tamanu oil

The oil is known for its antiviral and antiseptic properties. It fights scalp and beard fungus and has anti-inflammatory properties too.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used to treat acne, bacterial and fungal infections. It unblocks the hair follicles and gets rid of dead cells.

Cedar wood oil

The oil has a nice scent and is anti fungal, antibacterial and antiseptic.Check out Grizzly Adam cedarwood beard oil here

Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil has a unique scent and has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities. However, it should be used with carrier oil since it is an essential oil.

4. Dry/flaky skin

Beard growers can experience dry skin due to some reasons. These include cold weather. Change in soap, and allergies.


Castor oil

Castor oil has anti-fungal properties and moisturizes the skin. It is also rich in omega-6 oils making it effective for treating dry skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter prevents the skin from losing natural oils while moisturizing it. It is considered a great dry skin treatment due to the high concentration of fatty acids and vitamins.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil balances the pH of the skin while preventing the skin from being dry. It also has regenerative properties that encourage hair growth. The oil has a fresh scent that is pleasant.

Meadow Foam seed oil

It has strong antioxidant properties making it suitable for balms and ointments. It can lock in moisture in the skin to prevent dryness.

Beard skin related infections

While beard oils solve most of the skin problems, sometimes there are problems that cannot be fixed and need more attention. You need to know about these beard related skin conditions and how you can treat them. In some serious cases, you might have to see a dermatologist. However, before it gets to that, here are the facial hair problems and ways you can avoid them.

5. Folliculitis Barbae

Folliculitis is a nasty infection affecting the hair follicles of the beard. It can cause red lumps that might turn into pus filled spots. The spots are usually itchy.


The infection is caused by bacteria. The common culprit is the staphylococcus aureus found living harmlessly up the nose of most people.

Most men get the condition if:

They shave against the grain

Have course hair

Sweat excessively

Have a skin condition like eczema

Fail to change or clean their shaving razors frequently


Most of the time, the infection clears by itself once you follow a beard and skin cleansing regime. Also, avoid sharing your towel as it might spread the infection. If the lumps persist, you need to contact a dermatologist or general physician who will prescribe an antiseptic wash, cream or oral course for treatment.

6. Tinea Barbae

It is an infection affecting the skin around the beard. It causes a rash that is scaly and inflamed. The rash can also turn crusty and pus-filled. In some cases, there is hair loss in the affected area.


It is a fungal infection common with men who:

Have pets

Sweat excessively

Use oily products on their faces

Suffer from diabetes or another underlying medical condition


Since the infection is not likely to stop by itself, it is recommended that you see your dermatologist or general physician. You might get a prescription for anti-fungal cream or tablets. You should avoid sharing towels as it will spread the infection to others. Ensure the area is always dry.

7. Razor Burn

Most men with beards are prone to suffer from razor burn after shaving. It causes irritations since the skin becomes inflamed.


Razor burn is the only beard-related skin condition where the solution is to grow a beard. When you let your beard grow, the condition clears by itself since the skin is no longer being pierced by growing hairs. After a month or so, you can go back to your normal shaving routine.

These are the seven common beard-related skin conditions and ways you can solve them. Maintaining a beard does not have to be a difficult task. Once you encounter a problem, use one of the solutions provided. However, if the skin condition persists, you should contact your physician or dermatologist.


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